
Hello Forage!


Sudan continues 续保苏丹草

Sudan continues 续保苏丹草

The price for Sudan is increasing because of drought, see the last post. Additionally, the demand of lower grade Sudan for export market is high. Therefore, the price of lower grade increased compare to higher grade. 像...


Southern Sudan hay 2 南部苏丹草2

Southern Sudan hay 2 南部苏丹草2

Many suppliers compete against each other in pricing. The price war is intense because in last month, irrigation water from Colorado river stopped in some part in Arizona and Utah because of drought. 大多数的贩卖者开始了苏丹草的价格竞争...


Weather this week 这周的天气

Weather this week 这周的天气

According to weather report, the weather in west coast will be stable and cloudy. And the air quality is getting better from the smoke caused by fire. 根据天气预报,美国西海岸的这周的天气相当稳定,有些天会多云。 从烟害状态的空气也变好了。 Source from/图来自 http...


Weather in west coast 西海岸的天气

Weather in west coast 西海岸的天气

From this week to next week, from Washing to California, the weather will be stable. Most of the time, it will be sunny, sometime cloudy. 从这周到下周,华盛顿州到加利福尼亚州的天气很稳定。 根据天气预报在西海岸,一直晴天,有时候会多云。


Condition of 3rd Alfa 苜蓿的情况·

Condition of 3rd Alfa 苜蓿的情况·

Some part in Washington state, Alfalfas got bleached by the smoke and the rain. Some of the farmers still have not started cutting, waiting for best time. 有些华盛顿州的苜蓿压捆结束了,这次第三苜蓿看起来掉色,因为野火冒的烟和淋雨。 有些农场还在等最好的割刈时期。
